As I write this, there is a break in the impeachment trial of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. About half of what transpired today was procedural in nature, plus House prosecutor David Ellis delivered his opening statement and questioned his first witness, an FBI agent who testified about the wiretap recordings of the governor. Blagojevich is not present, nor does he have an attorney present on his behalf.

Watching Blagojevich’s television appearances this morning was worthless, as he dodged answering any meaty questions. He basically kept saying he is innocent of all criminal charges and can’t talk about the accusations until he gets his day in court.

One interesting thing we learned today is that Blagojevich considered appointing talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey to President Obama’s former U.S. Senate seat. Oprah later said she is “amused” by such talk and wouldn’t have accepted the position had it been offered to her.

There also was an amusing moment near the end of Blagojevich’s appearance on ABC’s “The View,” when co-host Joy Behar asked the governor to impersonate former President Richard Nixon by raising his hands and saying, “I am not a crook.” Unfortunately, Blagojevich declined. Then Behar mussed Blago’s hair, which quickly fell back into place.

But that’s the only thing that’s amusing about This Day in Blagogate. Everyone but Blago sees his media blitz as the bad joke it is, even his wife Patti, who cancelled her appearance on “The View” based on the advice of her family. Which makes me wonder how much longer the Blagojevich marriage will last – especially after the governor told Barbara Walters he expects “dramatic changes” for his family after his impeachment trial concludes.